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John Luke Gallagher

John Luke Gallgher

  • Upper School
  • 12th Grade

A first rate education can’t be earned in just any high school. Tallulah Falls School offers courses harder than other schools. My academic success is due to the availability of rigorous courses. I’ve always worked hard; TFS provided an outlet for my success in relevant courses.  However, I never felt alone because of educators like Mrs. Linda Harris [TFS math teacher] who were willing to provide support to I make sure I understood the course work.

TFS has done just as much for my character development. I’ve competed in a sport every season since I started attending TFS and have grown as a person. Coaches like Scott Neal who start practice with an inspirational quote or an important character word and apply it to life are doing more than just keeping students physically fit. Teachers, too, take just as much of an interest in student lives as coaches.

TFS can be more than a school to its students if they let it. TFS felt like home and that is what ultimately allowed me to succeed.