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Jeff Teng

Jeff Teng

  • Upper School
  • 11th Grade

My name is Jeffrey Teng. I am currently in the 11th grade. I play soccer for the Men’s Varsity team and manage the Women’s Varsity soccer team. I enrolled at Tallulah Falls School in eighth grade so I could be challenged to be the best I could be. 

I found that at TFS. The thing that appealed to me most about TFS was the teacher to student ratio. Coming from a school with classes of 30 students or more, the smaller classroom environment allowed me to get help faster when I needed it. My grades improved greatly as I began to learn more and more about academics, as well as life lessons from my teachers. The atmosphere at TFS was something I had not experienced at my other school. Everyone was friendly to one another. We are all family at TFS. The classes are small enough so everyone knows everyone. 

The school trips help everyone bond in a way my other school did not offer. In high school, the 10th grade took a class trip to Charleston [last year]. That trip turned out to be the bonding trip that everyone needed. On that trip, we learned about history, culture, and character. We tasted different types of foods and we met different types of people. We learned to respect the elders that taught us, and we learned to respect everything around us. I will never forget the lessons that I learned and the impact that it had on my life. 

I am Tallulah.