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TFS yearbook staff honored with national recognition


The hits keep coming for the Tallulah Falls School yearbook staff.

The 2017-18 edition of The Legend has been selected for the Walsworth’s Gallery of Excellence. Walsworth Yearbooks is the publisher of the TFS yearbook.

According to adviser Shelby Day, the book will be displayed at regional, state and national conventions and workshops as an example of a superior theme, coverage, design, photography and copy.

“I am so proud of these guys!” Day said.  “Winning accolades was one of our five-year goals, so we are honored to be recognized after only two years.  Can’t wait to see how this staff continues to develop.”

The staff also won a theme design contest during a planning workshop last summer. The award included getting a cover upgrade for this year’s book. The staff chose to use embossing and debossing to add texture.  

“Out of all four yearbooks that I have worked on, this year’s is by far my favorite!” said senior and editor, Abby Hulsey of Cleveland.  “I feel like we incorporated the theme and color in a range of ways throughout the entirety of the book all while including new concepts such as using more Adobe Photoshop techniques and adding more coverage by using modular design.”

Since Day came on as adviser two years ago, she has focused on a more journalistic program by adding captions, stories and photojournalism concepts. Four staff members were named to the National Scholastic Press Association’s Student Journalists Honor Roll for 2018.  These students include seniors Grace Brewer, Meredith Church and Abby Hulsey along with junior Sidney Butikofer.

Just because this year’s book is finished, doesn’t mean the staff gets a break.

They have already started working on the 2018-19 book. A theme has been established and basic color choices have been made. The staff will consult with a Walsworth graphic artist at the end of April to develop next year’s cover. They will also be taking a leap this spring and into next school year as they begin training in Adobe InDesign. InDesign is the journalism industry standard software and knowledge of the program will give students an edge in their college and career environments.

“I think learning InDesign will open many new opportunities for the yearbook staff next year. It will also allow me to get accustomed to the design software that I will be required to use in college,” editor Grace Brewer said.

The editors have also been chosen for next year.  Sophomores Sophie Alexander and Briana Docsol will lead the staff on the yearlong journey of producing the next book.

“Since we have three seniors graduating, I am excited to see how we rise to the challenge of training new staff members and building a new team with strong rapport,” Docsol said.

Several staff members will be attending a special summer workshop in Atlanta for an intense three-day development session.  Day has even been invited to teach at the workshop.

Yearbook staff members include Grace Brewer, Abby Hulsey, Meredith Church, Sophie Alexander, Briana Docsol, Taylor Huling, Sidney Butikofer, Maggie Eavenson, Sydney Metcalf, Eva Wiggins, Julia James and Morgan Jones.

Photo courtesy of Tallulah Falls School
Shown, from left, are editors Grace Brewer and Abby Hulsey.

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