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TFS sixth-grade students stage Disney review


Showcasing the collaboration across fine arts programming at the Tallulah Falls School middle school was the goal of the first-ever sixth-grade musical featuring well-known Disney songs and characters. 

The ensemble production, 48 members strong, was led by chorus teacher Memrie Cox, art teacher Cat  Schapplach and technology teacher and choreographer Kerri Pugh.

According to Pugh, a dozen students created the props for the show and served as the stage crew, with the remainder of the class performing on-stage for a single show run. The event, presented on May 15, attracted a packed house audience of parents, students, teachers and friends of the school.

“We had around six weeks to learn close to 20 songs and all of the choreography,” said Pugh. “The students and the teachers had a blast; we hope to make this an annual event.”

Click here to view more photographs from the lively show.

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