News & Announcements

Middle School Students of the Month



Middle school teachers at Tallulah Falls School have named Students of the Month for January in all grades as follows: 

Sixth-grade teachers have selected Savannah Pastor of Lakemont as the sixth grade Student of the Month for January. Savannah is a strong mind and a gentle spirit wrapped up in an awesome sense of humor. When asked to do something, she does it right off without a complaint. She is always willing to lend a hand to a friend or classmate in need. She is dedicated to her studies and tries her hardest at every turn. She is the embodiment of the Tallulah Twelve, especially gratitude and stewardship. Savannah is an excellent representative of Tallulah Falls School.

Seventh grade teachers have selected Henry Dumas of Clarkesville as the seventh grade Student of the Month for January. Henry is a self-motivated go-getter who enjoys learning. He shows initiative and maturity beyond his years, turns mistakes into successes, and is a leader in each of his academic classes. When Henry participates in class discussions, he always has something valuable to say.  His manners are impeccable, and he’s a great help to both teachers and other students.  And while successful in the classroom, he may be an even bigger success in the swimming pool. We have no doubt that we will see Henry at the Olympics one day!  We are so proud of you, Henry. 

Eighth grade teachers have selected Elsie Sims of Clarkesville as Student of the Month for January. Elsie receives this award for the above-and-beyond effort she gives to reach excellence not only in academics but also in extra curriculars and on the yearbook team. Also, she is brave and works well with other students. She acts with integrity and respect towards her teachers and peers.


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