Academics - Summer Reading Activities - Tallulah Falls School

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Summer Reading Activities

Reading Activities

Whew! You finished a book! Now, in order to receive credit for reading an entire book, you must complete one of the following activities! Get creative, enlist your friends and family to help, and most importantly HAVE FUN! When you are finished with your activity email the link or attachment to Mrs. Day at


It List Book Trailer

Have you ever watched a preview for an upcoming movie? Do you remember how excited you got about going to see it when it reached theaters? A book trailer is just like a movie trailer but with books instead of movies! For this activity, create a book trailer based on one 2016-2017 It List Nominees.
Here is a link to the Tome Society rubric

It List Book Review Blog Article
Blog articles and book reviews can greatly affect an authors popularity. Writing a book review gives other readers an insight to what a book is about, if it is worth reading, and it allows readers to interact with a book they've enjoyed. For this activity, write a blog post up to 500 words in length reviewing an It List book.
Here is a link to the Tome Society rubric


It List Book Flyer
We interact with advertisements every day in numerous ways and they affect us in different ways. For example, the commercials on TV, the ads on Facebook, or flyers hung in the hallways of your school. will create a digital promotional poster for an It List book that could be displayed in a library including items such as a teaser blurb, rating, and QR code.
Here is a link to the Tome Society rubric

It List Fan Art
Illustrators have a unique ability to bring the stories of other to life. For this activity, create an original 2D Fan Art piece representing a scene or characters from a current It List nominee. 
Here is a link to the Tome Society rubric

It List Fan Fiction
Have you ever wanted to write a book of your own? It's a difficult as well as a rewarding endeavor. For this activity, write a short story prequel or sequel to one of the It List books up to 1,000 words in length. 
Here is a link to the Tome Society rubric

It List Poetry Competition
Famous poets have impacted the world of literature through their writing. You may even know a few,  such as Shakespeare, Dr. Seuss, and Edgar Allen Poe. For this activity, compose a poem from the point of view of a character in a current It List nominee that represents the character's thoughts during a scene in the book. 
Here is a link to the Tome Society rubric